Each and every one of us has the power within us to be successful. The difference between those who achieve and those who fail to realise their potential lies in the quality of choices they make, coupled with an attitude of constant curiosity for learning.
A great scene in a movie called The Blind Side, starring Sandra Bullock, reinforces this point’s importance. In the scene, she is dropping her children at the school gates, and her parting words to them are;
‘Have fun and learn something new today’.
Now, while the ‘have fun…’ part is important, it’s the second part that struck me as central to success: ‘…learn something new today’.
Sometimes, particularly as adults, we slip into the trap of complacency, operating in a state of unconsciousness where it feels like we are just going through the motions. It’s the day you slip into a place that I call ‘the groove or the grave’ – no man’s land. It’s the day you accept your place in the world of mediocrity where just enough is good enough. It’s the day when you lose your edge and stop being your best self.
In an increasingly competitive world, there is no such thing as standing still. All around you, people are actively moving forwards, and standing still really means you’re falling behind.
Can you seriously expect to improve the performance of others if you are unable to improve your own performance?
The big challenge for many of us, though, is how we learn to improve ourselves.
Now, I’m not talking here about needing to learn a new skill and filling this gap by attending a course or programme. What I’m talking about is showing up every single day being the best version of you.
It’s about being committed to achieving greatness in your field of endeavour, whatever that may be. It’s about investing your time every day to raise your standards and chase perfection; even though perfection isn’t truly attainable, you may just catch excellence on the way.
Let me ask you a question.
When was the last time you read a biography, a business or an educational book? A book that feeds your mind, emotions or spirit? If you’re not a keen reader, the same question applies; when did you last purchase an audiobook?
Now that most of us are working from home, our daily commute and routines have significantly changed to what they were this time last year. How many hours are you watching TV? How many times are you going out for walks or a run? How many hours are you scrolling on social media platforms? These are perfect examples of when you can turn this time into learning time. Imagine the potential you could unlock with just this one strategy.
Download podcasts, watch a TED talk, get active on Pinterest, join and participate in groups on Facebook or LinkedIn, register for a virtual webinar, get involved in the community. Choose something to help you grow personally or professionally.
One of our team recently signed up for Tony Robbin’s virtual 5-day personal development conference. It’s hosted in America, so the time difference means the conference will start at 8.00 in the evening UK time and finish at 4.00 in the morning. Now there’s a commitment to personal development.
It is time for you to take charge and ask yourself what I have learned new today? Reflect on your successes, achievements and learning opportunities at the end of each day.
Remember, the day you stop learning is the day you stop earning!
Keep feeding your mind, growing personally and professionally to become the best version of you every single day. Nobody will do it for you; this is one job that has your name on it.
There is a vast reservoir of untapped potential inside every one of us. Don’t let your current circumstances define who you are or who you want to become. We are all a work in progress, and there is so much more that you can do and be.
A significant first step is taking stock of where you are, here and now. Not sure how to do this?
Not a problem.
Access for free my new personal development growth enabler – SELF REFLECTION – on my online business growth platform, The Business Growth Pathway. Answer 52 questions, and you’ll receive a personalised report plus over 20 resources focused entirely on how to become the best version of yourself and create the future you want.
Give it a go. You might be surprised at what you uncover.