What is your anchor point that will enable you to get your rebound right?
Why do you do what you do? You must take some time to think about this. You need your purpose and your business purpose in order for you to have your reason why.
It does not matter the headwinds or turbulent waters that your business faces, you will always have your purpose to strive you forward.
Remember the reason that you do what you do. Find your purpose.
We are stronger working together.
Why do we spend too much time and energy focusing on the ‘WHAT’ instead of thinking about the ‘HOW’?
The WHAT and the HOW are equally important in all facets of your life. When you think about your planning and preparation within anything that you are about to do, whether that being personally or professionally, make sure that you put as much attention into the HOW and the WHAT.
It is not just WHAT you do it is also HOW you deliver it.
We are stronger working together.
Are you falling into this trap?
We are becoming more and more task-focused going day to day at a frantic pace. When you look at your success list (to-do list), it is so easy to get your head down and burn through your list and gradually become a human ‘doing’ instead of a human being.
Burn time is great at certain points, but you cannot lose your focus at being a human being.
Where are you losing your perspective when you are in your ‘human doing mode’?
Take a step back and become a productivity ninja. Become connected on the journey and process. Be a human being, not a human doing.
We are stronger working together.