The day you stop learning is the day you stop earning! It’s the day you lose your edge, your ability to challenge your thinking and truly step out, show up and be your best self, both personally and professionally.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
It still amazes me when I speak at conferences and events, and I ask the audience how many self-development books they’ve read in the last six months. On average less than 50% put their hand up.
A book is jam-packed with the author’s life experiences, what has worked, and what hasn’t. If you take one idea away, which is a positive reinforcement of what you are currently doing or it gives you a new way of thinking, feeling and acting, then that has to be a worthy goal.
I am often asked which books I have come across which are worth a read and would recommend. So I thought I would share my recommended reading list broken down by different subject areas; personal development, business growth, sales, leadership, customer experience and skills development. If nothing else, I’m sure you’ll soon be looking for stocking fillers ideas, the gift of a good book is always a great present!
Personal Development
Business Growth
Sales & Leadership
Customer Experience & Skills Development
Developing a passion for reading is one of the greatest habits you can create.
If you’re not a big fan of reading, then no challenge, most of the books listed are available as audiobooks. Listen to them in the car, walking or on the train. Listen to them in the gym or out running, or block out some quality time to immerse yourself and feed your mind.
Don’t just take my word for it;
‘A book is a gift you can open again and again’ —Garrison Keillor
‘To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark’ —Victor Hugo
‘Reading is important because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything’—Tomie dePaola
‘He that loves reading has everything within his reach’ —William Godwin
Please share my recommended reading list with friends and colleagues, and if you have any book suggestions which you feel are worthy of being added to the list, please add them in the comments box below.